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Refugee and Immigrant Center

Parenting Class

Refugee and Immigrant Center


Asian Association of Utah’s Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (S.T.E.P.) class teaches modern child-rearing techniques to Utah’s refugee communities in an individually tailored, culturally-sensitive and success oriented setting. Parents will learn how to foster a better relationship with their children through effective communication despite generational and language barriers.

Offered in different languages:

  • Swahili/Kiswahili
  • Afghan Dari دری
  • Arabic Dinka Thuɔŋjäŋ
  • Arabic اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ
  • Spanish/Español
  • Somali/Soomaali

Each participant will receive $50 and a Certificate of Completion

Parenting Class Enrollment
First Name *
Last Name *

It is out of compassion and gratitude that the local Asian community in Salt Lake City has been helping refugees, refugee youth, and human trafficking victims through the extensive social service arm of the Asian Association of Utah. In addition, we host an annual Utah Asian Festival each year to celebrate the diverse Asian cultures in Utah. The 47th Utah Asian Festival is Saturday, June 8th. This video was created to share more about it as we launch a Virtual Fundraising Campaign for AAU.