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What We Do

Our community is a unique intersection of two groups: Asian Americans in Utah--representing our heritage community--and marginalized refugees, refugee youth, and human trafficking victims--representing the community we serve. 

We work to help victims of human trafficking, refugees, and refugee youth improve, become self-sufficient, and thrive. Our work is trauma-informed and linguistically sensitive, delivered by specialized staff who journey with each individual and family as they transition to life in Utah.


Latest News and Updates

AAU has been using the first floor of our old office building on South Major Street (just 1.5 miles south of downtown Salt Lake City) as a drop-in center for current victims of human trafficking for over 9 years. Unfortunately, the numbers and needs of this population has increased substantially. Fortunately, we have just received word from Lowe’s Hometowns that we will receive funding to restore and activate the second floor to add classrooms, meeting rooms, mental health therapy rooms, and repair building infrastructure this summer.

It is out of compassion and gratitude that the local Asian community in Salt Lake City has been helping refugees, refugee youth, and human trafficking victims through the extensive social service arm of the Asian Association of Utah. In addition, we host an annual Utah Asian Festival each year to celebrate the diverse Asian cultures in Utah. The 47th Utah Asian Festival is Saturday, June 8th. This video was created to share more about it as we launch a Virtual Fundraising Campaign for AAU.

One of the largest barriers for refugees when then arrive to the United States is language. Without good English language skills, it is hard to acclimate and find jobs that can lead to self-sufficiency and thriving.  AAU’s English Language classes are designed to help refugees like Eidullah, a recent refugee from Afghanistan. Read more about his story below.

PBS Utah's Contact host, Liz Adeola, sits with guests Emilio Manuel Camu and Deepika Shah KC from the Utah Asian Festival to talk about the diverse ethnic communities. The Asian Festival connects new Americans, immigrants, and refugees to other ethnic groups in Utah.

Thank you to our generous sponsors:

  • DWS
  • DHHS
  • SL County
  • slc
  • Slave 2 Nothing
    Slave 2 Nothing
  • American Express
    American Express
  • Sorenson
  • State Farm
    State Farm
  • LDS
  • Promise
  • Youthlinc
  • Utah Board of Juvenile Justice
    Utah Board of Juvenile Justice
  • GSD
  • Optum
  • Intermountain Health
    Intermountain Health
  • UDMA
  • Human Services
    Human Services
  • Office of Attorney General
    Office of Attorney General
  • UDVC
  • Housing Authority
    Housing Authority
  • OVC
  • Northrop Grumman
    Northrop Grumman
  • doTERRA
  • Live Daybreak
    Live Daybreak
  • Larry H. & Gail Miller Family Foundation
    Larry H. & Gail Miller Family Foundation
  • George S and Dolores Dore Eccles Foundation
    George S and Dolores Dore Eccles Foundation
  •  Momentus Capital
    Momentus Capital
  • WEX
  • UAFS