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Refugee & Immigrant Center

Refugee and Immigrant Center


The Refugee and Immigrant Center at Asian Association of Utah assists individuals and families achieve outcomes of substantive improvement, self-sufficiency, and thriving. Our linguistically sensitive and trauma-informed service is delivered by specialized staff who journey with each individual and family as they transition to life in Utah. Our specialized teams will work to ensure our clients are connected to all appropriate services through a holistic approach to services. Please click on the links to our individuals teams to learn more.

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Asian Association of Utah’s Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (S.T.E.P.) class teaches modern child-rearing techniques to Utah’s refugee communities in an individually tailored, culturally-sensitive and success oriented setting. Parents will learn how to foster a better relationship with their children through effective communication despite generational and language barriers.

Much of the work we do at the Asian Association of Utah is behind the scenes with new refugees (secondary resettlement) from Afghanistan. We know it is not about us and we do not seek headlines in the newspapers. The heroes of the stories are the new Americans and their drive to find a new home and thrive. Recently, KSL here in Salt Lake City featured a few of our clients and how they are beginning to make an impact here.

“I am not here to command anyone on how to raise their kids…the keyword is collaboration. Many of my students hold strong opinions about sensitive topics such as corporal punishment, that may be in contrast to the Western cultural milieu. But by giving these parents and guardians new tools and perspectives on how to communicate with their children despite generational and language barriers, they can come to their own evidence-based conclusions about what works and what doesn’t.”